
Find Joint Relief


What's In Joint Relief Solution?

You can manage arthritis and related joint pain with NSAIDs and steroids,
topical creams or even opioids and antidepressants. But for long-term relief and
ability to live without joint pain, a natural supplement may be the best way to

Joint Relief Solution is a natural supplement to reduce pain
and provide greater flexibility to joints that hurt. As well, it's designed to
protect cartilage, and may even reverse cartilage lost from a variety of
factors, including posture, repetitive movements, high impact sports like
running and simply from the process of ageing.

Yet Joint Relief Solution differs from traditional arthritis treatments
because, unlike medications like NSAIDs and creams, it's designed to preserve
cartilage, rather than masking symptoms, and offers pain relief with a series of
scientifically proven natural ingredients. Look closer at Joint Relief Solution
and you'll find:

Chondroitin  An amino sugar that occurs naturally in
cartilage, chondroitin is at the forefront of research into arthritis treatment
and has shown in clinical studies to reduce reliance on NSAIDs  a good thing
when you consider that the latter are linked to gastrointestinal bleeding and
are generally not safe for long-term use.

Your natural chondroitin levels decrease with age, yet there are no food
sources of this natural compound. Some speculate this loss of chondroitin may be
a common factor in loss of cartilage.

Glucosamine 2KCL  Like chondroitin, glucosamine is a
natural compound that occurs naturally in cartilage, and you lose it with age.
In 2006, researchers found that glucosamine significantly reduced pain from mild
to medium osteoarthritis when combined with chondroitin. And in a similar
manner, you can't get glucosamine from food sources.

Avocado Soybean Unsaponifiables  A powerful compounds
with exciting promise for people living with arthritis, a 2002 study reveals
that ASU "significantly reduced progression of joint space loss" for patients
with severe osteoarthritis of the hip.

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)  This is a sulfur that forms
connective tissue. There is evidence showing that MSM is a natural painkiller
and can improve overall joint function.

Boswellia Serrata  Native to India, this plant has shown
to neutralize the 5-lipoxygenase (5-lox) enzyme linked to inflammation and
deterioration of cartilage and joint function. Joint Relief Solution uses a
standardized extract of boswellia serrata, ApresFlex, which reportedly gets 52%
more absorption into the bloodstream than previous extracts.

Curcumin  A staple of Indian cuisine for centuries,
there's an organic compound in curcumin, called turmeric, that may reduce the
effects of a protein molecule, nuclear factor kappa B, that contributes to
degeneration of joint tissue. And it may be a natural painkiller too  in one
study, two grams of curcumin taken daily had the same effect as ibuprofen to
reduce pain from OA of the knee.

L-Leucine  The body cannot synthesize this branched amino
acid linked to reduced loss of body mass from the process of aging. However,
you can get it in Joint Relief Solution, from which it enters the bloodstream
and may protect against oxidizing molecules and breakdown of cartilage.

Willow Bark Extract  Here's a random fact to share with
folks at cocktail parties: aspirin is derived from salicin, a compound found in
willow bark. In fact, willow bark has been used for thousands of years as a
painkiller, making it a more natural alternative to non-steroidal

Bioperine : You're probably more familiar with this pepper
extract as an ingredient that squeezes more libido-enhancing benefits out of
VigRX Plus. Yet bioperine may also block uric acid crystals and act as a natural
therapy for people with gout.

Cetyl Myristoleate : A fatty acid and popular
anti-inflammatory, cetyl myristoleate may lubricate the joints and protect
against cell oxidation.

The ingredients in Joint Relief Solution combine to form a natural
alternative to NSAIDs and traditional joint medications that are linked to side
effects including gastrointestinal bleeding, drowsiness, dependance and more.
Additionally, this formula has shown in multiple studies to preserve joint
function and even slow loss of cartilage from osteoarthritis.

With an estimated 70 million Americans living with arthritis and related
joint pain, that's welcome news indeed.

Click here to learn more about this amazing product


How Many Male Libido Pills Are You Aware of That
Improve Premature Ejaculation?

You already know why ProSolution™ is the leading natural male enhancement supplement: the ProSolution™ client enjoys better erection quality, greater sex drive and performance.

Now you can also use ProSolution™ to improve premature ejaculation, with ProSolution Plus™.

See, a recent study published in the American Journal of Therapeutics has folks excited. This study tested a natural formula that helped men improve specific, and all too often, troubling concerns.
You're about to enjoy the result of this work: ProSolution Plus™ is a powerful blend of herbals, vitamins, minerals and nutrients just bursting with virility...
Giving you all the benefits of ProSolution Pills™ with the additional bonus of natural – and clinically proven – improvement for premature ejaculation. And the confidence that comes with performing like a man!

The ProSolution Plus™ Formula
Reduced Premature Ejaculation By 64%!

  • Improve erectile issues by 67%,
  • Improve sexual function by 48% 
  • Improve male satisfaction by 78% 
  • Improve female partner satisfaction by 77%

The ProSolution Plus™ Formula

The ProSolution Plus™ formula is an elixir of male virility, combining herbals, minerals, vitamins and nutrients used for over 4,000 years in the Ayurvedic tradition and ancient Chinese medicine...
And our modern understanding of how to accurately dose and formulate these time-tested nutrients to get the absolute best performance out of the male anatomy.
Folks are excited – a study published in the American Journal of Therapeutics reveals the ProSolution Plus™ formula helped guys increase sex drive, performance and satisfaction. Men with premature ejaculation saw a 64% improvement in PE symptoms.
Researchers also screened for acute oral toxicity and found no safety concerns. There were no serious adverse effects reported from the formula either!
Ideally dosed, and manufactured at a cGMP-compliant facility in the United States, the ProSolution Plus™ formula includes:

Tribulus Terrestris – Harder, More Satisfying Erections & Orgasms, With Faster Recovery Times

Aphrodisiac and clinically proven natural performance enhancer, the ancients used tribulus terrestris to increase sexual desire and function. Turns out they were on to something – a 2008 study published in Phytomedicine found that tribulus terrestris increased mounting, and ejaculations in male rats over eight weeks.
Tribulus terrestris reduced time between ejaculations too, with several follow-up studies showing similar results.
Evidence suggests a compound in tribulus terrestris, called protodioscin, may be of further benefit to male sexual function.
Phytomedicine., 2008 Jan;15(1-2):44-54.
Life Sci., 2002 Aug 9;71(12):1385-96.

Withania Somnifera – Increased Blood Flow to the Penis and Reduced Anxiety

A plant and member of the nightshade family, withania somnifera is used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine to promote relaxation and as a mood stabilizer. But it's more than just a natural chill pill; a 2003 review by Italian researchers found that withania somnifera increased nitric oxide synthase in macrophages. Meaning? Increased blood flow to your penis.
Studies indicate withania somnifera has a positive influence on the endocrine, cardiopulmonary and central nervous systems.
Phytomedicine., 2000 Dec;7(6):463-9.
Altern Med Rev., 2000 Aug;5(4):334-46.
Life Sci., 2003 Feb 21;72(14):1617-25.

Asparagus Adscendens – Helps to Reduce Stress and Inflammation

17th century English herbalist Nicholas Culpepper wrote "asparagus stirs up lust in men and women." You bet it does - asparagus is an excellent source of orgasm-friendly potassium, fiber, vitamins B6, A and C, thiamine and folic acid. Asparagus adscendens also has anti-stress properties and an inhibitory effect on proinflammatory cytokines.
Also called asparagus racemosus, asparagus adscendens is rich in antioxidants and is believed to mimic the effects of testosterone. Studies on rats show increased frequency of mounting and erection quality. In the ProSolution Plus formula, it also improved ejaculation control and helped men achieve more regular and powerful orgasms.
Researchers believe asparagus adscendens may have a wide variety of other health applications, too.
Phytother Res. 2000 Dec;7(6):463-9.
Asian Pac J Trop Dis. 2000 Aug;5(4):334-46.

Mucuna Pruriens – Heightened Pleasure and Increased Mating

You'll be mating a lot with mucuna pruriens. The tropical legume contains L-Dopa – a precursor to the neurotransmitter l-dopamine, an important chemical that regulates sexuality, mood and feelings of pleasure. Animal studies confirm this, with increases in erections, mounting and less time between sexual encounters.
Just as encouraging, a 2012 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that mucuna pruriens may improve libido and testosterone levels in the diabetic.
J Ethnopharmacol. 2009 Apr 21;122(3):497-501. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2009.01.032. Epub 2009 Jan 31.
J Sex Med. 2012 Dec;9(12):3066-78. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2010.01831.x. Epub 2010 Apr 26.

Asteracantha Longifolia – Increased Attraction to Partner

A highly prized plant in the Ayurvedic tradition, studies show asteracantha longifolia increased mount frequency, sperm volume and 'enhanced' attractibility toward females, along with higher fructose levels in the seminal vesicles – the tubular glands that secrete ejaculate.
Asteracantha may have other uses too. It's currently being studied as a natural treatment for iron deficiency, liver damage and several blood diseases.
Nat Prod Res. 2011 Sep;25(15):1423-31. doi: 10.1080/14786410802588493. Epub 2011 Jul 8
J Ethnopharmacol. 2010 May 27;129(2):280-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2010.03.015. Epub 2010 Mar 27.

Curculigo Orchioides – Stronger Sexual Desire and Greater Performance

A 2007 study published in Filoterapia reveals the rhizomes of curculigo orchioides increased penile erection, mating performance and mount frequency. Erection quality improved as well, accompanied with increased attraction to female sexual partners.
Like asteracantha longifolia, we've barely scratched the surface with this flowering plant species and the medicinal properties it may hold. Current evidence suggests it may have many other health applications for common ailments linked to lower sex drive and performance.
Fitoterapia, 2007 Dec;78(7-8):530-4. Epub 2007 Jul 3.
Journal of Chinese Integrated Medicine, July 2010, Vol.8, No.7

Asphaltum (Shilajit) – 85+ Vitamins and Minerals

Asphaltum is an organic wax that forms between rock cracks in the Himalayas. With such dramatic origins, it's no surprise that asphaltum reportedly has more than 85 vitamins and minerals, with medicinal properties that nourish the body.
All those nutrients mean good things for your sex drive. It's used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine to increase vitality, sexual health and is believed to help spermatogenesis.
Asphaltum also possesses 'health enhancing' properties, illustrated in 2010 when researchers found it reduced fatigue at high altitudes.
J Ethnopharmacol. 2006 Oct 11;107(3):349-53. Epub 2006 Apr 18.
Int J Ayurveda Res. 2010 Jan;1(1):37-40. doi: 10.4103/0974-7788.59942.

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Hit the Gym, Gentlemen, with HyperGH 14x

Quick question for you. What's the leading cause of death for American men? According to the Center for Disease Control, it's heart disease, which in 2006, accounted for just over a quarter of all deaths among men in the United States.

That might have been a few years ago, but further stats suggest that risk of heart disease hasn't faded much since then. You know those risks right? Obesity, smoking and stress, among others. And, of course, lack of exercise.

Suffice to say, it's important for men of all ages to exercise. Any thing's good, really, so long as we get at least 30 minutes per session, and preferably five or six times a week.

Of course, most men are more into the free weights routine than aerobics, and there's nothing wrong with that. So long as you're getting some cardio in there, somewhere, men can get most of their exercise needs met with good old resistance training.

In this article we'll discuss three of the core resistance exercises that are most beneficial to men, for health, longevity and less chance the grim reaper will come before you've achieved what you want in this life. We'll also review that men should indeed supplement for the gym with age. What supplement works best? Hint: it ain't steroids. Try HyperGH 14x. We'll get to that.


Work Those Core Muscles

Biceps are sexy, and girls may like big arms, but for health and the most benefits of weight training, your core comes first. Your core is your torso, meaning from below your neck to your upper legs. Save the arms for another day. No core, no gains. Very simple.

Core muscles give balance to the body. Done correctly, exercises that work your core not only provide an amazing stress release, they thicken your bones, develop physical strength and promote good balance, which in a man's later years, may reduce the chances he'll fall.

Considering that unintentional injuries are the third leading cause of death among men in the United States, core exercises should be the starting point of any resistance training exercise regimen. Do these exercises, and you're well on your way.



Arguably the single most beneficial exercise you can do, deadlifts have the distinction of working every major body part. If you do one exercise all week, do deadlifts.

Having said this, it's very important to do deadlifts with good form. This is a strenuous exercise that, if you do it wrong, can really mess up your spine. Don't arch your back with deadlifts – position your back inwards, and your posterior out.

To do a deadlift, place your palms on the bar, one hand with an over hand grip, the other under-handed. Your feet should be straight, roughly shoulder-width or slightly wider apart. Push down hard with your legs as you lift up the bar. Back in, butt out, slowly lift, then place back down. That's one.



Another great full body exercise, squats thicken the spine and work those core muscles that develop physical strength and balance. In the pecking order of most beneficial exercises, it's number two.

The caveat with squats is that, when done with the traditional method of a bar placed on the shoulders, you're putting weight on your spine. That's not always good, so form matters.

We'll get to alternative squat exercises in a moment. But for guys who practice good form, and don't push stupidly heavy weights, squats are excellent.

If you're one of these guys, place the bar behind your neck, resting on your shoulders. As with dead lifts, position your back in and your posterior outwards to alleviate pressure on your spine. Slowly lower your body, until your knees are at a 90 degree angle. Then push hard with your knees as you go back up.

Squats are an excellent exercise, but the key here is not to strain the spine. As an alternative, consider similar squat motion movements with a set of dumb bells. Or try sumo squats.


Bench Press

All right gentlemen, you're at the pinnacle of resistance training. Tell a guy you work out and he's likely to ask you a simple question, "How much can you bench?"

In his day, Arnold Schwarzenegger could bench close to 400 pounds, which is crazy by any standards. As of 2011, the current record for an assisted bench press is over 1000 pounds. Ouch.

To do the bench press, lay flat on your back, with your feet on the floor. Place your hands just outside shoulder-width apart. Lift the bar off the frame, and slowly lower the weight to just above your belly button. Don't bounce it off your stomach. Push hard, and raise it back to the starting position.

With bench press, remember to use a spotter for heavier weights. Stay the course with bench. Do it often, for upper body strength and a great set of pecs.


Supplement with HyperGH 14x

Some guys do the steroids gig, and there's no question that those needles will have your biceps bulging bigger than a king-sized set of watermelons. But steroids will also leave you with acne, shrunken testicles, risk of permanent impotence, stroke and heart attack, 'roid rage. This could go on for a while.

And though steroids are more of a younger man's game, it's not uncommon for senior men to supplement with synthetic Human Growth Hormone (HGH) which, when you consider the costs and risks involved, aren't much of a better option.

But growth hormone has a measurable influence on muscle growth, and exercise can stimulate exercise-induced growth hormone response, or EIGR, for less fat, more muscle tone and better results from similar efforts in the weight room.

And this means? Use a natural growth hormone supplement, like HyperGH 14x, which stimulates natural, as opposed to synthetic growth hormone, from your own body, for muscles, anti-aging benefits, and ultimately, health and happiness.

Click here to go to HyperGH 14x's website.

Beat Depression

Beating Male Depression

Despite what you may have heard, depression affects men as profoundly as it does women.

Yes, we've all heard the jokes about the male mid-life crisis and the questions of self-identity that go with it.

But there's a darker side to depression in men.  Over a million people take their lives world-wide each year.  American men are three to four times more likely to commit suicide than women.  In fact, American men between 20 and 24 have a suicide rate seven times higher than women in the same age bracket.

While not all depressed men are going to commit suicide, symptoms of depression affect men's lives and can have a profound impact on their careers, health and their loved ones.  Symptoms of depression include feelings of hopelessness, guilt or helplessness, low mood and an inability to feel pleasure, lack of energy and insomnia.

Compounding the problem is the fact that men can find it difficult to reach out and ask for help with depression.  Reaching out can make men feel unmanly and weak.

This article outlines how to reach out to men experiencing depression, either yourself or someone you know.

First of all, talk to people.  While men often find it difficult to talk about depression, they're more likely to talk about depression-related symptoms they might experience, like insomnia or lack of energy.  Talking to a doctor is a good place to start, as it may help diagnose the root cause of the symptoms.

Don't bottle up your feelings.  If you've had a blow out with someone, tell someone about it.  Alleviate the tension that can build up inside.

Stay active.  Exercise benefits both the body and mind, and not only helps you sleep better, it's a great stress relief and an effective way to shed excess pounds.  Recent studies are now linking depression to obesity.  At the very least, you'll look better with regular exercise.  Chances are, you'll feel better too.

Maintain a healthy diet, with lots of fruits and vegetables.  Some of the best depression-fighting foods include brown rice, whole grains, leafy vegetables and oily fish.  Salmon, herring, mackerel and sardines are all high in the omega-3 fatty acid EPA.  In a 2002 clinical study, researchers found that participants who took a gram of fish oil each day experienced a 50% reduction in depressive symptoms, including insomnia, feelings of hopelessness and suicidal thoughts.

Stay away from processed foods and foods that are high in fat and sugar.  Also avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol, which can make depressive symptoms much worse.

Practice relaxation techniques and exercises like yoga.  Have a massage, or practice aroma therapy.  Lemon oil, for example, is a powerful anti-depressant and clinical studies have shown it can reduce stress.

Try to sleep between seven and eight hours a night.  This can be difficult when experiencing depression, as insomnia is a common depressive symptom.  Therefore, practice good sleep hygiene.  Make your bedroom an inviting place to sleep.  Keep it dark and cool and avoid coffee and stimulants before going to bed.  Having said this, try not to get upset if you can't sleep.  Avoid sleeping pills, and with enough healthy lifestyle factors, you'll eventually sleep better.

Don't forget to do something you enjoy!  Spend time on a hobby or something you enjoy.  Maybe it's golfing.  Maybe you're a stamp collector.  Whatever you enjoy, spend some time to do it.  And if it gets you outside when the sun is shining, even better.

Review your lifestyle.  Many men who experience depressive symptoms are also perfectionists.  In some cases it can be wise to reduce expectations or workload.  Or even explore the options of a new career.

If nothing else, take a break from your regular routine.  A vacation can do wonders for your life perspective, but even a few days, or a few hours can help.

And finally try a good human growth hormone (HGH) releaser.  These are dietary supplements that boost HGH production in men and women, which reduce the effects of aging, including fewer wrinkles, less body fat, increased lean muscle mass and enhanced sex drive.

An HGH releaser can reduce depressive symptoms in men and boost overall quality of life, including more sex, younger appearance and increased feelings of well-being.  And because they're dietary supplements, they're available without a doctor prescription.  Provacyl is a good HGH releaser for men, as it's specifically formulated with natural ingredients to address andropause, or the steady decrease of hormone production in men, and comes with no known side effects.

Depression in men is a serious issue that can have far-reaching consequences.  But it doesn't have to.  With the tips you've found in this article you're equipped to manage depression and minimize the disruption it can create in either your life, or someone you know.

Click on the banner to learn more about Provacyl

Profollica Review

Why is Profollica so Effective?

Anyone that is searching for a solution to hair loss has surely come across a number of so-called proven products and guaranteed remedies. However, as with anything on the internet it is important to take everything you read with a grain of salt and try your best not to fail victim to fake reviews or false testimonials. There are simply so many products that contain harmful chemicals or are overpriced and just do not prove to offer all of the benefits advertised.

That is where Profollica sets itself apart from the other hair loss products that are out there. Sure there are some exaggerated reviews to be found on the internet and the hair loss system may not work for absolutely every man in the world, but there is no denying that Profollica is one of the most effective options available.

The question is why is Profollica so effective?

This popular system that stimulates hair growth has been specially formulated using some of the most recent and most valuable hair loss research available today. Years of dedicated research went into developing the precise formulation and combining the perfect all natural ingredients to ensure the best results possible. Unlike other shady products, this effective hair loss solution was created in a licensed facility by trained and experienced medical professionals.

Every single ingredient that is used in the Profollica system plays a vital role in preventing hair loss and stimulating hair re-growth. This is done by blocking DHT in the scalp, revitalizing hair follicles overall, and increasing blood circulation. The potent ingredients and targeted compound are so effective that some users notice visible results within just a few weeks. While those types of fast results are not guaranteed for everyone, it is far better than a lot of the claims from other hair loss pills or hair loss shampoos.

For further proof, just take a look at some of the ingredients that are used in the Profollica gel alone, which is only one part of the dedicated three part system:

  • Panax Ginseng Root Extract

  • Gingko Biloba Extract

  • Kigelia Africana Extract

  • Cinnamomumb Zeylanicum

Each of these ingredients, among others, is completely natural and targets the health and vitality of your hair and scalp. The formulation has become known for not just preventing hair loss like a lot of other products do, but also for allowing hair to re-grow as well. And that is precisely what you are most likely looking for.

On top of everything else, the herbal supplement that is provided within Profollica's three-part system helps to fight hair loss from the inside out. Through the supplement, the powerful ingredients can work their way quickly into the blood system and revitalize all the body, empowering it to stimulate the follicles and spark hair re-growth much more than even some prescription hair loss products.

In the end, solving hair loss is not an easy thing to do. Simply washing your hair with a special shampoo, or combing in a gel is not enough to get you the results that you dream of. Combining a number of products into a complete system is the best way to truly try and repair your scalp and combat your loss of hair, and that is what makes Profollica so powerful.

For more information, go to